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Lake Erie and Delaware Estuary Coastal Zone Advisory Committees


The coastal zone advisory committees were created in response to the policy guidelines contained in the Federal Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, P.L. 92-583 as amended, Section 303(2)(H). This Act authorized coastal states, including Pennsylvania, to develop a Comprehensive Coastal Resources Management Program (CRM) and develop coordination mechanisms to properly implement the program. The Pennsylvania Program received Federal approval September 30, 1980.


The coastal zone advisory committees are utilized in coordination and review of area wide and local governmental activities affected by the Pennsylvania CRM Program. The committees have been operating in both coastal areas, since 1975 and have played a major role in determining the goals, policies, and objectives of CRM. They have been instrumental in providing coordination among CRM, local elected officials, and coastal residents. They have also provided a very effective mechanism for incorporating public interest and values into management of the Program. Since Program approval, the committees have also assisted in the yearly evaluation of the Program, aided in CRM prioritization and selection of projects receiving CRM funding, and reviewed pertinent state-funded CRM projects, so that local governments could remain aware of proposed state activities. The committee representatives also participate in other forms of routine program coordination which are necessary to ensure a strong state/local partnership. The committees in both areas are scheduled to meet twice a year. All meetings are open to the public and widely publicized.


The Lake Erie Coastal Zone Advisory Committee is comprised of representatives from the nine municipal governments that abut Lake Erie, as well as the County of Erie, the Erie City Council and its Planning Commission, the Erie Western Pennsylvania Port Authority and three citizen representatives who are appointed by the Committee. These individuals are selected from a variety of interest groups and represent the public in the following areas: recreation, historic preservation, business, and environmental protection. The Erie County Department of Planning and Community Development coordinates the Lake Erie Coastal Zone Advisory Committee and can be contacted at 814-451-6336 for more information.

The Delaware Estuary Coastal Zone Advisory Committee is comprised of the following governmental units and Commissions: Bucks County Planning Commission, Bucks County municipal governments which abut the Delaware Estuary, Philadelphia City Planning Commission, Philadelphia Department of Commerce, Philadelphia Water Department, Fairmount Park Commission, Philadelphia Capital Programs Office, Delaware County Planning Department, Delaware County municipal governments which abut the Delaware Estuary, Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, and the Chester City Planning Department. In addition to these permanent members, three citizen representatives sit on the Committee. These individuals are selected from a variety of interest groups which exist in the region and represent the public in the following areas: recreation, historic preservation, waterfront revitalization, business, and environmental protection. Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission coordinates the Delaware Estuary Coastal Zone Advisory Committee and can be contacted at