Environmental Complaints
(All Reports Are Confidential)
Spills and other emergencies in the Northcentral Region should be reported immediately to DEP at 1-800-541-2050.
Northcentral Service Representative
Ruth Priester 570-327-3564
208 West Third St., Suite 101, Williamsport, PA 17701
State Wide Toll-Free Number 866-255-5158
Click the link below to e-mail a complaint about an environmental problem to the regional DEP Service Representative. Complainants will receive an e-mail* acknowledgment that the complaint has been received and referred for action. DEP staff will provide information on the status of the investigation by telephone or in writing.
* If the citizen does not receive email notification, please configure email settings to allow messages from donotreply@pa.gov.
Thank you for helping to protect the environment!
* Note - Email address is a required field. To make an anonymous complaint, sign up for a free e-mail account. This will enable the complainant to remain anonymous while still providing DEP with the ability to contact the complainant.
Environmental Complaint Form