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X-ray Machine Program

The Radiation Control Division is responsible for the registration of over 11,000 facilities possessing over 33,000 X-ray units.

In order to ensure that patients, personnel and the environment are protected, that operators are properly trained, and radiation equipment and facilities meet current protection standards, the department has a goal to routinely inspect all facilities at least once every four years or as necessary to ascertain compliance or non-compliance with applicable regulations. Major facilities may be inspected every two to three years. In all, this results in a total of approximately 2,800 routine inspections per year statewide.

Users of radiation-producing machines are required to register with the division, to indicate the number and type of units possessed and to designate an individual to be responsible for radiation safety. Users pay registration fees based on the type of facility and the number of tubes possessed. The division oversees the production and issuance of associated registration certificates, renewal letters and invoices and the collection of initial and annual fees.

The regulations for this program are in Title 25 Pa Code Chapter 216.

Medical Reportable Events and Other Medical Reports for Radiation-Producing Machines

State regulations require that a licensee or registrant possessing a radiation-producing machine report to DEP's Bureau of Radiation Protection all medical reportable events that occur during therapeutic use. Other medical reports are also required when therapeutic or diagnostic use of a radiation-producing machine results in, or is the suspected cause of, an injury that was not an expected consequence when the procedure began. Injury is considered any condition that warrants medical intervention. DEP regulations require these notifications to be performed within certain specified timeframes. These regulations are in Title 25 Pa Code Chapter 219.

Medical Reportable Events and Other Medical Reports for Radiation-Producing Machines (PDF)

Active X-ray Machine Facilities in Pennsylvania

Please use our New Resource account listed below to ask many of your Radiation Protection questions.

The following subject line TAGS will better serve to route your question(s) to the appropriate staff.

XR Invoice – Registration #
XR Certificates – Registration #
XR New Registration –
XR Registration Update-Registration #
XR Terminations – Registration #
XR Account Changes – Registration #

Accelerator Licenses/ Amendment – License #

RAM Licensing – License #
RAM New License –
RAM License Amend – License #
RAM License Term – License #
RAM License Transfer of Control – License #
RAM License Invoice – License #

Incident or Event Notification – Registration / License # This is for backup purposes only.  Please call first during an incident or event.
General –
Regulation Question – Registration/License #
Vendor – Registration #

The following subject line TAGS will better serve to route your question(s) to the appropriate staff.

RECIPROCITY Licensing – License #
RECIPROCITY New License – License #
RECIPROCITY License Amend – License #
RECIPROCITY License Term – License #
RECIPROCITY License Invoice – License #