Your first step each year should be to review and update any information that has changed since last year. Any changes have to be made by us, and will update overnight. Please contact your regional or county staff first, and then try the DEP central office staff referenced above.
Click on "Facility Details" and verify the contact information we have for this plant. You may have some or all of these; the first two being the most important to this report:
LOCAD – locational address
REOFF – The 'Responsible Official' of the facility, identified in the permit
FIRM – inventory contact
PRMT – permit contact
FEEAD – emissions fee mailing address
CONS – consultant
CORP – corporate contact
INSP – inspection contact
Click on "SubFacilities" and verify that all of the equipment that was active during the reporting year is listed here. The only types shown here will be FMLs, Combustion Units, Processes, Incinerators, and Control Devices that burn a fuel.
If the unit was shut down permanently, it should be removed.
If the unit was inactive, but will operate again, it can be removed or zeros reported.
If the unit does not appear on the list but was active, we will have to add it.
If anything is wrong with the name or description, we will have to alter it.
Click on "Sub Facility/SCC Status" and verify that all of the fuels burned or materials processed by each subfacility for the reporting year are active, and any not used are inactive. You can use the checkboxes and the "submit request" button at the bottom to send a request to your reviewer, or contact them directly. If any of the fuels or materials are wrong or missing, you'll have to contact us directly.
AES*Online will force you to report all subfacilities and fuels or materials that are active, and you will not be able to report those that are inactive or missing.