DEP is committed to providing information in an accessible and user-friendly format. In order to do so more effectively, DEP has created interactive reports that allow the user to select specific criteria for the desired information. The storage tank cleanup locations are available here:
This report represents confirmed release incidents that have been reported to DEP since enactment of the Storage Tank and Spill Prevention Act (Tank Act) in July, 1989. These release incidents represent leaks, spills and overfills which have occurred from storage tank systems regulated by the Tank Act only. Releases from home heating oil tanks, which are not regulated by the Tank Act, are not part of this list. The purpose of this list is to provide information on the cleanup status of all known release incidents which have occurred from regulated storage tank systems in Pennsylvania. The information in these Interactive Reports are derived from DEP's eFACTS (Environment, Facility, Application, Compliance Tracking System).
For information pertaining to a specific release incident, please contact the Environmental Cleanup Program in the appropriate DEP regional office. General questions pertaining to this list can be directed to
Listing Information
The following key provides an explanation of the fields contained in the incidents listing.
The DEP region where the storage tank facility is located.
The name of the Pennsylvania county in which the storage tank facility is located.
The name of the primary municipality in which the storage tank facility is located.
The unique, system-generated identification number assigned to the storage tank facility. This is the eFACTS Facility ID.
The site-specific identification code assigned to the storage tank facility by DEP's storage tank program. This is the Storage Tank Facility ID.
The name of the storage tank facility.
The location address of the storage tank facility.
The location address of the storage tank facility continued.
The postal address city in which the storage tank facility is located.
The zip code in which the tank facility is located.
The location of the tank facility using degree decimal coordinates if known and recorded in eFACTS. If blank, no information is recorded in eFACTS.
The reference datum that is used to project the Lat/Long datum onto a map. If blank, no information is recorded in eFACTS.
The unique, system-generated identification number assigned to the DEP client record for the owner of the storage tank facility.
The name of the owner of the storage tank facility.
The unique, system-generated identification number assigned to the tank release incident.
The date DEP suspects the release occurred.
The date the release was known to have occurred or was discovered. Where the date is unknown, the default date is the effective date of the Tank Act (Aug. 5, 1989).
The current cleanup status of the incident. The codes (numbers 1 through 9) and their descriptions are as follows:
- Interim Remedial Actions Not Initiated - No physical activity to remove contaminants has been initiated.
- Interim or Remedial Actions Initiated - At a confirmed release, site characterization and/or physical activity to remove contaminants are underway.
- Attainment Monitoring in Progress - Demonstration of an Act 2 groundwater standard is being conducted.
- Cleanup Completed - It has been demonstrated to DEP that contaminants were removed to applicable cleanup standards, or that the release was completely contained and recovered and no environmental impact occurred.
- Inactive - Incidents in this status have not achieved 'cleanup completed' status. However, these incidents have been determined by DEP to be low priority for corrective action as a result of meeting the following criteria:
- No product in the leaking storage tank system
- No known free product in the environment
- Risks to human health and the environment have been mitigated including vapor/fire/explosion hazards, contaminated drinking water supplies, and releases to surface waters
- Strong potential for receptors to be impacted is not known to exist
- Responsible party is not performing or planning to perform corrective action
- The case is at least two years old
- Suspected Release - Investigation Pending or Initiated.
- Suspected Release - Investigation Complete, No Release Confirmed.
- Administrative Close Out (ACO) - A facility where multiple releases have occurred that are being remediated together through ongoing corrective action. This corrective action will be tracked for the primary release incident, and the other release incidents will be assigned the ACO status. The ACO status is also assigned to release incidents that are being remediated through DEP’s Land Recycling Program (Act 2) cleanup process.
- Unverified Incident – Release incidents that were entered into DEP’s database but are not supported by any written records or institutional knowledge of the incident.
The source of the tank release incident notification. The codes are as follows:
- COMPL: Complaint to Department
- DEP: DEP Employee
- ENVCO: Environmental Consultant
- INSTL: Tank Installer/Inspector
- LKDET: Failed Leak Detection or Odor/Visible Product Report
- MAINT: Maintenance Personnel
- OPER: Facility Operator
- OWNER: Facility Owner
- UNDTD: Undetermined
How the release was discovered or found. The codes are as follows:
- 3PTY: Third Party Inspection
- CLOS: During Closure
- CONST: Construction
- DEPI: DEP Inspection
- LD: Routine Leak Detection
- MWELL: Monitoring Well Sample Results
- SAMPL: Soil Sample Results
- SWELL: Supply Well Sample Results
- TLI: Lining Installation
- TTEST: Tightness Testing Activities
- UNDTD: Undetermined
- UPGRD: Upgrade
- VISOD: Visible Product or Odor Reports
The type of regulated storage tank system from which the release occurred. The codes are as follows:
- AST: Aboveground storage tank system
- USTHZ: Underground storage tank system containing hazardous substances
- USTPT: Underground storage tank system containing petroleum
The source or cause of the release. The codes are as follows:
- ACCND: Accident/Natural Disaster
- CONT: Containment/Sump Failure
- CORR: Corrosion
- DISP: Dispenser/Dispensing Equipment
- FLTYI: Faulty Installation
- HOSE: Product Delivery Hose Rupture
- INFNP: Information Not Provided
- OTHER: Other (Specify)
- OVER: Overfill at Delivery
- PAST: Regulated Aboveground Piping System
- PHMEF: Physical Mechanical Failure
- PSNR: Non-Regulated Piping System
- PUST: Regulated Underground Piping System
- SPCB: Spill Catchment Basin / Spill Bucket
- SPILL: Spill During Delivery
- SUBTP: Submersible Pump Head Fittings
- TANK: Tank
- UNDTD: Undetermined
- VEHIC: Vehicle Gas Tank Overfill
The identifier code and description of the type of environmental impact resulting from the tank release incident.
The identifier code and description of the type of regulated substance associated with the tank release incident.
The code identifying the Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CASRN) for the chemical. Additional information is available here.(opens in a new tab)
The type of contaminant(s) found as a result of the tank release incident for which tests are to be conducted.
Disclaimer for Data
The commonwealth and the author/originator of this data, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, make no representations or warranties regarding the suitability or sufficiency or accuracy of the data, or any derivatives thereof for any purpose. User understands that said data was created for purposes of carrying out specific commonwealth delegated functions, and that any and all liability arising from User's use of or reliance upon said data rests solely with user. User holds commonwealth and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection harmless against any claims arising out of its use.