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Regional Advisory Committees

Pennsylvania wouldn’t have a State Water Plan without the help of a broad range of professionals who volunteer their expertise by serving on Regional Advisory Committees. They guide the development of regional components of the plan, provide recommendations to DEP and the statewide committee on the selection of consultants, and identification of critical water planning areas, and help facilitate a process for public input on the plan.

There’s one Regional Advisory Committee for each water planning region. Each committee includes 23 volunteers, representing a number of areas:

  • County government, county planning commission directors, or county conservation districts directors
  • Local government
  • Agriculture, production and horticulture
  • Public water supply
  • Public wastewater
  • Industrial and commercial enterprises, and energy development and production
  • Environment and conservation
  • Water resources management engineering, hydrology, geology, planning, law and economics
  • DEP
  • Compact or river basin commission representative

Volunteers Needed!

While most of the volunteers who served on committees for the 2022 State Water Plan Update are serving again for this 2027 update there are still many openings. As of November 2023, DEP is seeking volunteers with the following professional expertise. The number of individuals needed is in parentheses.

  • Delaware:
    • County Conservation District Director (1)
    • Count Conservation District Director or Planning Commission Director or County Government Representative (1)
    • Horticulture (1)
    • Local Government (3)
  • Great Lakes:
    • County Conservation District Director (1)
    • County Conservation District Director or Planning Commission Director or County Government Representative (2)
    • Public Wastewater (1)
    • Industrial and Commercial Enterprises or Energy Development and Production (1)
    • Environment & Conservation (2)
    • Engineer, Hydrologist, Geologist, Planner, Lawyer, Econmist (1)
    • Local Government (3).
  • Lower Susquehanna:
    • Agriculture Production (1)
    • Horticulture (1)
    • Industrial and Commercial Enterprises or Energy Development and Production (2)
    • Local Government (2)
  • Ohio:
    • County Conservation District Director (1)
    • County Conservation District Director or Planning Commission Director or Government Representative (1)
    • Industrial and Commercial Enterprises, or Energy Development and Production (2)
    • Engineer, Hydrologist, Geologist, Planner, Lawyer, Economist (1)
    • Local Government (2).
  • Potomac:
    • County Conservation District Director (2)
    • County Conservation District Director or Planning Commission Director or County Government Representative (2)
    • Horticulture (1)
    • Agriculture Production (1)​
    • Public Water Supply (1)
    • Public Wastewater (1)
    • Industrial and Commercial Enterprises, or Energy Development and Production (1)
    • Environment and Conservation (2)
    • Local Government (3)
  • Upper/Middle Susquehanna:
    • County Conservation District Director or Planning Commission Director or County Government Representative (1)
    • Horticulture (1)
    • Agriculture Production (1)
    • Industrial and Commercial Enterprises, or Energy Development and Production (1)
    • Environment and Conservation (1)
    • Local Government (1)
  • Statewide:
    • Energy (1)
    • Local Government (1)​

Committee membership terms are three years in length for a regional committee and four years for the statewide committee.

If you’re interested in serving on a Regional Advisory Committee, please contact James Horton in the DEP Interstate Water Resources Management at or (717) 772-1100 for further details.

Contact Us

Department of Environmental Protection
Bureau of Safe Drinking Water
Interstate Water Resources Management Division
P.O. Box 8465
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8465