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​DEP Advisory Committees, Boards, and Commissions

The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) values the experience and technical advice provided by the members of its advisory committees, boards, councils, and commissions. These advisory bodies assist DEP during the development of environmental policies, regulations, technical guidance, and more.

DEP strives to cultivate a balance of expertise and perspective among its advisory bodies. To ensure continuity of fair representation, membership positions regularly undergo routine evaluation. Members serve in a voluntary capacity and often represent academic institutions, environmental organizations, regulated entities, public interest groups, state and federal agencies, and other stakeholders with knowledge and interest in the subject matter of the advisory body.
Explore the dropdown menu below to learn more about DEP’s advisory bodies. 


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Interested in Serving on an Advisory Committee?

DEP accepts resumes from prospective advisory committee members on a rolling basis. All information will be kept on file and referred to when advisory committee vacancies occur. 

To be considered for a position on an advisory committee, submit your resume here