Document Locator
DEP staff have developed publications, forms, fact sheets and technical guidance documents for the public and regulated community. To facilitate quick and easy access to these documents in the eLibrary, staff in the Bureau ofSafeDrinking Waterhave developed a "Document Locator" tool.
The documents have been divided intofour main categories: Publications (fact sheets, booklets, pamphlets), Forms,Permits & Applications, and Technical Guidance. Each of these groups contain links to the available formats in DEP's eLibrary. The formats are in either PDF or Word. "PDF" (Portable Document Format) is an Adobe application. You must have Adobe Reader to use this format. The "Word" format is Microsoft's Word file format.
To access the Bureau's documents, click on one of the following eLibrary category links:
Click here (PDF) to read the eLibrary Help page information that describes the document categories and their associated document numbers.